xtd.core.application module

class xtd.core.application.Application(p_name=None)[source]

Bases: object

XTD main application object

Users must inherit this class :

  • register program’s arguments in their __init__ method
  • and optionally override initialize()
  • override process() and code their program behavior
  • call execute() at top level

p_name parameter is used for various purpose such as:

  • default usage
  • default –config-file value
  • default disk-synced parameters output directory path
  • default statistic disk output directory path
Parameters:p_name (str) – application’s name (optional). Defaults to sys.argv[0]


application’s name


Get the ConfigManager instance

Returns:ConfigManager instance
Return type:config.manager.ConfigManager

Get the StatManager instance

Returns:StatManager instance
Return type:stat.manager.StatManager

Main application body

The child class must override this method. Since default behavior is to log an error, you should not call parent’s method

Returns:program’s exit code and True if object should call stop method before joining
Return type:int, bool

Initializes application


Any child class that overrides this method should call super(Application, self).initialize()


Start background modules

Any child class that overrides this method should call super(Application, self).start() or start StatManager by hand


Stop background modules

Any child class that overrides this method should call super(Application, self).stop() or stop StatManager by hand


Join background modules

Any child class that overrides this method should call super(Application, self).join() or join StatManager by hand


Main application entry point

Exits with code returned by process().


During the initializing phase :

  • Any ConfigError leads to the display of the error, followed by the program usage and ends with a sys.exit(1).
  • Any XtdError leads to the display of the error and ends with a sys.exit(1).

During the process phase :

  • Any XtdError leads to the log of the error and ends with a sys.exit(1).
Parameters:p_argv (list) – program’s command-line argument. Defaults to None. If none, arguments are taken from sys.argv
__dict__ = mappingproxy({'stop': <function Application.stop at 0x7f20103b2ea0>, '_initialize_log': <function Application._initialize_log at 0x7f20103961e0>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Application' objects>, 'start': <function Application.start at 0x7f20103b2e18>, '_initialize_stat': <function Application._initialize_stat at 0x7f2010396158>, '__init__': <function Application.__init__ at 0x7f20103b2158>, 'initialize': <function Application.initialize at 0x7f20103b2d90>, 'config': <function Application.config at 0x7f20103b2bf8>, 'execute': <function Application.execute at 0x7f2010396048>, 'stat': <function Application.stat at 0x7f20103b2c80>, 'join': <function Application.join at 0x7f20103b2f28>, '_initialize_config': <function Application._initialize_config at 0x7f20103960d0>, '__doc__': "XTD main application object\n\n Users must inherit this class :\n\n * register program's arguments in their ``__init__`` method\n * and optionally override :py:meth:`initialize`\n * override :py:meth:`process` and code their program behavior\n * call :py:meth:`execute` at top level\n\n\n ``p_name`` parameter is used for various purpose such as:\n\n * default usage\n * default --config-file value\n * default disk-synced parameters output directory path\n * default statistic disk output directory path\n\n\n Args:\n p_name (str): application's name (optional). Defaults to ``sys.argv[0]``\n\n Attributes:\n m_name (str): application's name\n\n ", 'process': <function Application.process at 0x7f20103b2d08>, '__module__': 'xtd.core.application', '_initialize_param': <function Application._initialize_param at 0x7f2010396268>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Application' objects>})
__module__ = 'xtd.core.application'

list of weak references to the object (if defined)