Source code for xtd.core.stat.handler

# -*- coding: utf-8

__author__    = "Xavier MARCELET <>"


import json
import abc
import os
import requests

from import SafeThread
from ..error        import XtdError
from ..             import logger


[docs]class BaseHandler(SafeThread): """ Abstract statistic handler Spawns a dedicated thread that outputs a set counters every ``p_interval`` seconds. User can provide a custom function to get the counters to output. By default the object gets all counters registered in the :py:class:`~xtd.core.stat.manager.StatManager` singleton. User should inherit this class and define :py:meth:`write` method. Note: The functor must take no parameter and return something suitable for :py:meth:`write` Args: p_name (str): handler name p_interval (int) : interval, in second, between two outputs p_fetcher (function) : functor that retrieves data counters """
[docs] def __init__(self, p_name, p_interval = 50, p_fetcher = None): super(BaseHandler, self).__init__(p_name, p_interval) self.m_fetcher = p_fetcher if p_fetcher is None: self.m_fetcher = self._fetch
@staticmethod def _fetch(): from .manager import StatManager return StatManager().get_all() @abc.abstractmethod
[docs] def write(self, p_counters): """ Ouput available counter data (abstract) Args: p_counters (dict): dictionary holding all available counters assiciated with their namespace. ``{ "<namespace>" : [ <counter1>, <counter2>, ... ] }`` """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def work(self): """ Output available counter data Implementation of :py:meth:`` """ self.write(self.m_fetcher())
[docs]class DiskHandler(BaseHandler): """ Output counters to filesystem Given : - a counter named ```` of value ``55`` - registered in :py:class:`xtd.core.stat.manager.StatManager` with namespace ``a.b.c`` - a DiskHandler constructed with ``/var/snmp`` This will create a file ``/var/snmp/a/b/c/`` containing the string ``55`` Args: p_directory (str): target output directory path. If given directory doesn't exist, the object will attempt to create it (and all necessary parent directories). p_interval (int): interval between two outputs (in seconds) Raises: XtdError: ``p_directory`` isn't writable or could ne be created """
[docs] def __init__(self, p_directory, p_interval = 50, p_fetcher = None): super(DiskHandler, self).__init__(__name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__, p_interval, p_fetcher) self.m_dir = p_directory self._create_dir(self.m_dir)
def _create_dir(self, p_dir): if not os.path.isdir(p_dir): try: os.makedirs(p_dir, mode=0o0750) except Exception as l_error: l_fmt = "unable to create output directory '%s' : %s" raise XtdError(self.m_name, l_fmt % (p_dir, str(l_error))) def _write_item(self, p_ns, p_name, p_value): l_path = os.path.join(self.m_dir, p_ns.replace(".", "/")) self._create_dir(l_path) l_path = os.path.join(l_path, p_name) try: with open(l_path, mode="w") as l_file: l_file.write(str(p_value)) except IOError as l_error: logger.error(self.m_name, "unable to output counter file '%s' : %s", l_path, str(l_error))
[docs] def write(self, p_counters): """ Write all available counters to filesystem When object fails to write a counte file, an error log is triggered. Raising an exception woudn't be helpfull since this part of the code runs in a dedicated thread. Args: p_counters (dict) : see :py:meth:`BaseHandler.write` """ for c_path, c_counters in p_counters.items(): for c_counter in c_counters: c_counter.update() def visitor(p_name, p_value): #pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop self._write_item(c_path, p_name, p_value) c_counter.visit(visitor)
[docs]class HttpHandler(BaseHandler): """ Send counter values to a http server Counter values are gathered in a single json and sent to the target url as a POST request. HTTP Request details : - Method : ``POST`` - Content-Type : ``application/json`` - Body : :: { "<namespace>" : { "<name-of-counter-1>" : value-of-counter-1, "<name-of-counter-2>" : value-of-counter-2, ... }, ... "<namespace>" : { <name-of-counter-N>" : value-of-counter-N ... } } Note: Keep in mind that counter values can be undefined. In such case, the json value is a string equals to ``"NaN"``. Args: p_url : target url for post request p_interval(int): interval, in second, between two outputs p_fetcher (function) : functor that retrieves data counters """
[docs] def __init__(self, p_url, p_interval = 50, p_fetcher = None): super(HttpHandler, self).__init__(__name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__, p_interval, p_fetcher) self.m_url = p_url
def _send_request(self, p_json): try: l_headers = { "Content-Type" : "application/json" } l_req =, headers=l_headers, data=json.dumps(p_json)) if l_req.status_code != 200: l_message = "received invalid http response '%d' on posting json" logger.error(self.m_name, l_message, l_req.status_code) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as l_error: logger.error(self.m_name, "error while sending counters data : '%s'", str(l_error))
[docs] def write(self, p_counters): """ Write all available counters to filesystem When object fails to send HTTP request, an error log is triggered. Raising an exception woudn't be helpfull since this part of the code runs in a dedicated thread. Args: p_counters (dict) : see :py:meth:`BaseHandler.write` """ l_res = {} for c_ns, c_counters in p_counters.items(): l_res[c_ns] = {} for c_counter in c_counters: c_counter.update() def visitor(p_name, p_value): #pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop l_res[c_ns][p_name] = p_value c_counter.visit(visitor) self._send_request(l_res)
[docs]class LoggingHandler(BaseHandler): """ Output counter to application logs Args: p_name (str): logger module name p_interval(int): interval, in second, between two outputs p_fetcher (function) : functor that retrieves data counters """
[docs] def __init__(self, p_name, p_interval = 50, p_fetcher = None): super(LoggingHandler, self).__init__(__name__ + "." + self.__class__.__name__, p_interval, p_fetcher) self.m_loggerName = p_name
[docs] def write(self, p_counters): """ Output all available counters to logging facility Args: p_counters (dict) : see :py:meth:`BaseHandler.write` """ l_res = {} for c_ns, c_counters in p_counters.items(): l_res[c_ns] = {} for c_counter in c_counters: c_counter.update() # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop def visitor(p_name, p_value):, "ns='%s', name='%s', value='%s'", c_ns, p_name, p_value) c_counter.visit(visitor)
#------------------------------------------------------------------# # Local Variables: # ispell-local-dictionary: "american" # End: # LocalWords: XtdError