Source code for xtd.core.stat.manager

# -*- coding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=unused-import

__author__    = "Xavier MARCELET <>"


from future.utils import with_metaclass
from ..error      import XtdError
from ..           import mixin
from      import thread
from ..           import error
from .counter     import BaseCounter
from .handler     import BaseHandler

[docs]class StatManager(with_metaclass(mixin.Singleton, thread.SafeThreadGroup)):
[docs] def __init__(self): super(StatManager, self).__init__(__name__) self.m_counters = {}
[docs] def exists(self, p_ns, p_name): l_list = self.m_counters.get(p_ns, []) l_counters = [ x for x in l_list if x.m_name == p_name ] return len(l_counters) != 0
[docs] def register_counter(self, p_ns, p_counter): """ Register a counter in global statistics Args: p_ns (str): namespace p_counter (BaseCounter): counter object to add Raises: XtdError: counter already defined for this namespace XtdError: ``p_counter`` is not a valid :py:class:`~xtd.core.stat.counter.BaseCounter` object """ if not issubclass(p_counter.__class__, BaseCounter): raise XtdError(__name__, "attempt to add invalid object type") if self.exists(p_ns, p_counter.m_name): raise XtdError(__name__, "already defined counter '%s' in namespace '%s'", p_counter.m_name, p_ns) if not p_ns in self.m_counters: self.m_counters[p_ns] = [] self.m_counters[p_ns].append(p_counter)
[docs] def register_handler(self, p_handler): """ Register an counter output handler Args: p_handler (BaseHandler) : new handler to add Raises: XtdError: given ``p_handler`` is not a valid :py:class:`~xtd.core.stat.handler.BaseHandler` """ if not issubclass(p_handler.__class__, BaseHandler): raise error.XtdError(__name__, "handlers must be BaseHandler based class") self.add_thread(p_handler)
[docs] def get(self, p_ns, p_name): """ Get a counter in a particular namespace Returns: BaseCounter: requests counter Raises: XtdError: undefined namespace ``p_ns`` XtdError: undefined counter ``p_name`` for given namespace """ if not p_ns in self.m_counters: raise error.XtdError(__name__, "undefined namespace '%s'" % p_ns) for c_counter in self.m_counters[p_ns]: if c_counter.m_name == p_name: return c_counter raise error.XtdError(__name__, "undefined counter '%s' in namespace '%s'" % (p_name, p_ns))
[docs] def write(self): """ Output counter is all registered handlers """ for c_handler in self.m_threads: c_handler.write()
[docs] def get_all(self): """ Get registered counters Example: :: { "" : [ <counter-object-1>, <counter-object-2>, ... ], ... "" : [ <counter-object-N>, <counter-object-N+1>, ... ], } Returns: dict: dictionary containing raw counters """ return self.m_counters
[docs] def get_json(self): """ Get counter data in a dictionary Example: :: { "" : { "counter1" : <value1>, "counter2" : <value2> }, ... "" : { "counterN" : <valueN> } } Returns: dict: counter's name and value organized by namespace """ l_res = {} for c_ns, c_counters in self.m_counters.items(): l_res[c_ns] = {} for c_counter in c_counters: c_counter.update() def functor(p_name, p_value): # pylint: disable=cell-var-from-loop l_res[c_ns][p_name] = p_value c_counter.visit(functor) return l_res
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