Source code for xtd.core.config.formatter

# -*- coding: utf-8

__author__    = "Xavier MARCELET <>"


import textwrap
import optparse


[docs]class IndentedHelpFormatterWithNL(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter):
[docs] def __init__(self): optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter.__init__(self, max_help_position=40)
[docs] def format_description(self, description): if not description: return "" l_descWidth = self.width - self.current_indent l_indent = " " * self.current_indent # the above is still the same l_bits = description.split('\n') l_formattedBits = [ textwrap.fill(bit, l_descWidth, initial_indent=l_indent, subsequent_indent=l_indent) for bit in l_bits] return "\n".join(l_formattedBits) + "\n"
[docs] def format_option(self, p_option): # The help for each option consists of two parts: # * the opt strings and metavars # eg. ("-x", or "-fFILENAME, --file=FILENAME") # * the user-supplied help string # eg. ("turn on expert mode", "read data from FILENAME") # # If possible, we write both of these on the same line: # -x turn on expert mode # # But if the opt string list is too long, we put the help # string on a second line, indented to the same column it would # start in if it fit on the first line. # -fFILENAME, --file=FILENAME # read data from FILENAME l_result = [] l_opts = p_option.get_opt_string() if p_option.metavar: l_opts = "%s=%s" % (l_opts, p_option.metavar) l_optWidth = self.help_position - self.current_indent - 2 if len(l_opts) > l_optWidth: l_opts = "%*s%s\n" % (self.current_indent, "", l_opts) l_indentFirst = self.help_position else: # start help on same line as opts l_opts = "%*s%-*s " % (self.current_indent, "", l_optWidth, l_opts ) l_indentFirst = 0 l_result.append(l_opts) if l_helpText = # Everything is the same up through here l_helpLines = [] l_helpText = "\n".join([x.strip() for x in l_helpText.split("\n")]) for c_para in l_helpText.split("\n\n"): l_helpLines.extend(textwrap.wrap(c_para, self.help_width)) if len(l_helpLines): # for each paragraph, keep the double newlines.. l_helpLines[-1] += "" # Everything is the same after here l_result.append("%*s%s\n" % (l_indentFirst, "", l_helpLines[0])) l_result.extend(["%*s%s\n" % (self.help_position, "", c_line) for c_line in l_helpLines[1:]]) elif l_opts[-1] != "\n": l_result.append("\n") return "".join(l_result)