Source code for xtd.core.application

# -*- coding: utf-8
# pylint: disable=unused-import
from __future__   import print_function

__author__    = "Xavier MARCELET <>"


import sys
from future.utils import with_metaclass

from .      import stat, logger, config, param, mixin
from .error import ConfigError, XtdError


[docs]class Application(with_metaclass(mixin.Singleton, object)): """XTD main application object Users must inherit this class : * register program's arguments in their ``__init__`` method * and optionally override :py:meth:`initialize` * override :py:meth:`process` and code their program behavior * call :py:meth:`execute` at top level ``p_name`` parameter is used for various purpose such as: * default usage * default --config-file value * default disk-synced parameters output directory path * default statistic disk output directory path Args: p_name (str): application's name (optional). Defaults to ``sys.argv[0]`` Attributes: m_name (str): application's name """
[docs] def __init__(self, p_name=None): self.m_name = p_name self.m_argv = [] self.m_config = config.manager.ConfigManager() self.m_stat = None self.m_param = None self.m_logger = None if self.m_name is None: self.m_name = sys.argv[0] self.m_config.set_usage("%s [options]" % self.m_name) self.m_config.register_section("general", "General Settings", [{ "name" : "config-file", "default" : "%(name)s/%(name)s.json" % {"name" : self.m_name}, "description" : "use FILE as configuration file", "longopt" : "--config-file", "checks" : config.checkers.is_file(p_read=True) }]) self.config().register_section("log", "Logging Settings", [{ "name" : "config", "default" : {}, "description" : "Logging configuration", "checks" : config.checkers.is_json() },{ "name" : "override", "default" : {}, "description" : "override part of logging configuration", "checks" : config.checkers.check_json }]) self.config().register_section("stat", "Stats Settings", [{ "name" : "handlers", "default" : ["disk"], "description" : """Enabled given stat output handler. Possibles values :\n * disk : write counters to --stat-disk-directory path each --stat-disk-interval seconds\n * http : post counters in json format to --stat-http-url url each --stat-http-interval seconds\n Can specify a comma separated combinaison of theses values\n """, "checks" : config.checkers.is_array( p_check=config.checkers.is_enum(p_values=["", "disk", "http"]) ) },{ "name" : "disk-directory", "default" : "/tmp/snmp/%s/stat/" % self.m_name, "description" : "Destination directory for counter disk handler" },{ "name" : "disk-interval", "default" : 50, "description" : "Interval in second between two disk outputs", "checks" : config.checkers.is_int() },{ "name" : "http-url", "default" : "http://localhost/counter", "description" : "Destination POST url for http stat handler" },{ "name" : "http-interval", "default" : 50, "description" : "Interval in second between two http outputs", "checks" : config.checkers.is_int() }]) self.config().register_section("param", "Persistent parameter settings", [{ "name" : "directory", "default" : "/tmp/snmp/%s/admin" % self.m_name, "description" : "Destination directory for admin persistent parameters" }])
[docs] def config(self): """Get the :py:class:`~xtd.core.config.manager.ConfigManager` instance Returns: config.manager.ConfigManager: ConfigManager instance """ return self.m_config
[docs] def stat(self): """Get the :py:class:`~xtd.core.stat.manager.StatManager` instance Returns: stat.manager.StatManager: StatManager instance """ return self.m_stat
# pylint: disable=no-self-use
[docs] def process(self): """Main application body The child class must override this method. Since default behavior is to log an error, you should not call parent's method Returns: int, bool: program's exit code and True if object should call stop method before joining """, "default process() method, you probably want to override it") return 1, True
[docs] def initialize(self): """Initializes application Specifically: * application's configuration facility, See :py:mod:`xtd.core.config` * application's logging facility, See :py:mod:`xtd.core.logger` * application's memory parameters, See :py:mod:`xtd.core.param` * application's statistics, See :py:mod:`xtd.core.stat` Any child class that overrides this method should call ``super(Application, self).initialize()`` """ self._initialize_config() self._initialize_log() self._initialize_stat() self._initialize_param()
[docs] def start(self): """Start background modules Any child class that overrides this method should call ``super(Application, self).start()`` or start :py:class:`~xtd.core.stat.manager.StatManager` by hand """ self.m_stat.start()
[docs] def stop(self): """Stop background modules Any child class that overrides this method should call ``super(Application, self).stop()`` or stop :py:class:`~xtd.core.stat.manager.StatManager` by hand """ self.m_stat.stop()
[docs] def join(self): """Join background modules Any child class that overrides this method should call ``super(Application, self).join()`` or join :py:class:`~xtd.core.stat.manager.StatManager` by hand """ self.m_stat.join()
[docs] def execute(self, p_argv=None): """Main application entry point Exits with code returned by :py:meth:`process`. .. note:: During the initializing phase : * Any :py:class:`~xtd.core.error.ConfigError` leads to the display of the error, followed by the program usage and ends with a ``sys.exit(1)``. * Any :py:class:`~xtd.core.error.XtdError` leads to the display of the error and ends with a ``sys.exit(1)``. During the process phase : * Any :py:class:`~xtd.core.error.XtdError` leads to the log of the error and ends with a ``sys.exit(1)``. Args: p_argv (list) : program's command-line argument. Defaults to None. If none, arguments are taken from :py:obj:`sys.argv` """ if p_argv is None: p_argv = sys.argv self.m_argv = p_argv try: self.initialize() except ConfigError as l_error: print(l_error) sys.exit(1) except XtdError as l_error: print(l_error) sys.exit(1) try:, "starting process") self.start() l_code, l_stop = self.process() if l_stop: self.stop() self.join(), "process finished (status=%d)", l_code) sys.exit(l_code) except XtdError as l_error: logger.exception(__name__, "uncaught exception '%s', exit(1)", l_error) sys.exit(1)
def _initialize_config(self): self.m_config.initialize() self.m_config.parse(self.m_argv) def _initialize_stat(self): self.m_stat = stat.manager.StatManager() l_outputters = self.config().get("stat", "handlers") for c_name in l_outputters: if c_name == "disk": l_dir = config.get("stat", "disk-directory") l_interval = config.get("stat", "disk-interval") l_disk = stat.handler.DiskHandler(l_dir, l_interval) self.m_stat.register_handler(l_disk) elif c_name == "http": l_url = config.get("stat", "http-url") l_interval = config.get("stat", "http-interval") l_http = stat.handler.HttpHandler(l_url, l_interval) self.m_stat.register_handler(l_http) def _initialize_log(self): self.m_logger = logger.manager.LogManager() self.m_logger.initialize(config.get("log", "config"), config.get("log", "override")) def _initialize_param(self): self.m_param = param.manager.ParamManager(config.get("param", "directory"))
# Local Variables: # ispell-local-dictionary: "american" # End: